Business Casual

· alterae's blog

#mech pilot who #business casual #plot armor via post-scarcity materials engineering

"you're going into battle wearing business casual?"

"yeah. i figure if i'm inside my mech the whole time it doesn't matter too much what i wear, and i want to look professional during the briefing."

"and what if your mech goes down? you're going to be running around the ruins in one-inch heels and a cardigan?"

"the cardigan is bulletproof. and waterproof too."

"oh my stars where did you even get this stuff?"

"well i had some spare fabber credits left over from the Grand Waste campaign, and nobody else was using the class-9 printer"

"kat, you realize the class-9 printer is meant for printing warship parts, right? you realize how expensive the feed stock is? that outfit you're wearing is probably worth a year's rations!"

"two years and three months."

"you had better bring those clothes back in one piece. and then let r&d look at them."

"oh don't worry, this skirt will survive anything short of an RKV. i'll see you after the briefing."